Wednesday, July 26, 2017

"On top of (squash noodle) SPAGHETTI, all covered with (vegan) CHEESE, I lost my poor (tofu) meatball.."

Ok. Sooo, that was a long title and a bit of a stretch. I don't eat vegan cheese. Those two words shouldn't be friends in my opinion. I'm a cheese lover...the stinker the better. However, I digress. The point of today's post is about zucchini and squash noodles. I know..I know...if you love pasta the thought of trading in those delicious pasta noodles for an imitation version should be a federal offense. However, because of my desire to become a "glutton-free vegan," I must finds ways to enjoy my favorite dishes without the yummy "extras."

My body has informed me that it really would like some spaghetti. Seeing as it's my favortie meal, I decided to comply. My first thought was, " what do I do about the noodles?"
DING! DING! DING! In my hoarding-wisdom I had purchased one of those groovy spiral noodle making thingy muh-jigs. Now all I needed was some squash and zukes. BAM!! It's summer time, so these veggies are everywhere.
(If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a snazzy picture of my
 handy-dandy noodle muh-jiggy..)

Honestly, this machine is really fun to use but annoying to clean. However, the pro's outweigh the con's. You can make a ton of noodles and simply freeze them for later. If you don't over cook them, they hold up as well as spaghetti itself. 

Next, Be creative!! Don't be afraid to mix and match ingredients in order to surprise your pallet. I know that I get bored easily (my pallet that is). However being creative and playing with your food will make this journey not only bearable but FUN!! Pinterst has about 1 gazillion ideas, so being creative shouldn't be a challenge. I'll post a recipe or two at the end of this post to get you started.

Finally, if you do find some good recipes, please share them with me. I love cooking (hate cleaning) and enjoy being challenged in the kitchen. Also remember my saying as you whip up some tasty treats for you and fam...

"ATTRACT the Eye, IMPRESS the Imagination, AWAKEN your Senses"

Zucchini Noodles with Creamy Avocado Pesto

Borrowed from
  • 6 large zucchini, spiralized
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
For the Sauce:
  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 1 cup fresh basil leaves
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • ¼ cup pine nuts
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • ½ tsp. sea salt
  • 3 Tbsp olive oil
  • Cracked black pepper, to taste
  1. Spiralize your zucchini and set aside on paper towels so that any excess water is soaked up.
  2. In a food processor, add avocados, basil leaves, garlic, pine nuts, lemon juice and sea salt and pulse until finely chopped. Then with the motor still running, add olive oil in a slow stream until emulsified and creamy.
  3. Drizzle olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat then add zucchini noodles, cooking for about 1 to 2 minutes until tender.
  4. Add zucchini noodles to a large bowl and toss with avocado pesto. Season with cracked pepper and a little Parmesan, serve and enjoy!
Serving Size: 1½ cups • Calories: 214 • Fat: 17.1 g • Saturated Fat: 2.1 g • Carbs: 13.2 g • Fiber: 6.1 g • Protein: 4.8 g • Sugar: 4.2 g • WW Points+: 6 • Smart Points: 7

Loaded Veggie Pasta Salad with Sweet Basil Vinaigrette

Serves: 6 Servings
  • 8 oz. Signature Kitchens spaghetti
  • 2 medium zucchini, spiralized
  • 1 Tbsp Signature SELECT olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 cups fresh or frozen peas, thawed
  • 1 bunch thin asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1½-inch pieces
  • ¼ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
  • *4 slices Signature Farms bacon, cooked and crumbled
  • (don't use this part)*
For the Sweet Basil Vinaigrette:
  • ½ cup fresh basil leaves
  • 2 Tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 2 tsp. Signature Kitchens Dijon mustard
  • 2 tsp. Signature Kitchens clover honey in the raw
  • 1 tsp. minced shallots
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • ¼ cup Signature SELECT olive oil
  1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and cook spaghetti according to package directions. Drain and set aside.
  2. While the water is boiling this is when you can make the vinaigrette: combine basil, vinegar, Dijon mustard, shallots, salt and olive oil in your blender and blend for about 30 seconds to a minute; set aside.
  3. In a large skillet over medium heat, drizzle olive oil and sauté garlic, peas and asparagus until garlic is fragrant and veggies are tender, about 3 to 5 minutes. Then add zucchini noodles and cook an additional 1 to 2 minutes.
  4. In a large bowl toss together warm spaghetti, zucchini noodles, veggies and Parmesan cheese with the basil vinaigrette. Top with crumbled bacon, serve and enjoy!

Friday, July 7, 2017

ain't no sunshine when she's gone...

a few years back when i actually cared about my gut, this fun powder became my 'right-hand' pal. a local eatery around here (Breathe Spa)  makes an amazing hippie shake full of all things nice, packed with a heaping tablespoon(s) of this amazing super food. ignore the color that it makes when you mix it in your morning shakes. this jewel packs an amazing punch of nutrients and gives the gut-monsters a perfect TKO...

Welllll......It's BAAAACK!!

if you've ever watched Poltergeist, you'll understand that reference. no, our home isn't being plagued with supernatural monsters BUT my colon seems to be! i haven't posted since 2012. Honestly, i thought the days of sprinting to the bathroom were behind me. guess what, "you fool me yet again colon monsters (weak movie pun)."i've been diagnosed with U. Colitis. even though the bathroom jokes are second to honestly sucks. so, i reenter this world of purple carrots and napa cabbage. i'm older now (forever 29), so i know that this will be a lifelong journey this time. welcome back my hemp-grass eating friends...our adventure awaits!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Portobello Mushroom Burger

What a fun "non" sandwich!! I was invited to an early spring time dinner. The menu included "hams and hots", the first thing that popped into my mind was, "great, what am I going to eat"? Well, that was easily solved. This idea popped into my head. I followed the recipe to the T...well I did use fresh basil. However, other than that minor adjustment, it was fabulous. I added a wild mushroom and herb rice with spinach and artichokes with a side of olives, tomatoes and pickled onions (one of my recipes). It was fresh and delish!! Try it out..I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did!! Plus...who needs a cow...when we have mushrooms!!


4 portobello mushroom caps
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon minced garlic
salt and pepper to taste


Place the mushroom caps, smooth side up, in a shallow dish. In a small bowl, whisk together vinegar, oil, basil, oregano, garlic, salt, and pepper. Pour over the mushrooms. Let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes or so, turning twice.
Preheat grill for medium-high heat.
Brush grate with oil. Place mushrooms on the grill, reserving marinade for basting. Grill for 5 to 8 minutes on each side, or until tender. Brush with marinade frequently.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Fabulous Herbs!!

The Fifteen Most Fabulous Herbal Sedatives

Well a lot of us get extra stressed around the holiday season, and if you don’t want to take something that will totally knock you out, try a gentle relaxing cup of sedative tea instead of popping a pill.
Now opinions may slightly differ amongst herbalists as to what the best herbal sedative is, but I think we can all agree that the best herb is the one that works best for the individual. Here are my top fifteen favorites for making in to herbal tea as they are widely available and not endangered species (to my current knowledge.)
I have included a brief blurb so that you can get an idea of the herbs that will work best for your constitution.Please always check with your naturopathic physician before combining herbs with prescription drugs. Do not take sedative herbs during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
#1 Passionflower- The intricate purple flower pictured above was shown to be as effective as sedatives in the benzodiazepine (valium) family, the aerial parts of this herb are great for nervous tension and anxiety. In recent research, passion flower extract at 45 drops daily (tincture) was shown to be as effective as oxazepam (similar to valium). This nervine herb is also “antispasmodic” which makes it great for people with constant nervous twitching.
#2 Ashwaganda- This is probably one of my favorite herbs, which is why it got the award for“Best Herb of 2007.” Unlike most of the herbs on this list that are designed to be taken at night or at least late afternoon, both ashwaganda and schisandra (listed below) are terrific “adaptogenic” herbs that help us tolerate our stressful days that much better. You can make some tea, or grab some capsules of the organic root and take two capsules twice a day.
This herb is specifically intended for those that are exhausted and agitated or debilitated by stress. In ayurvedic medicine ashawganda is a renowned anti-aging and rejuvenating herb.
Photobucket#3 Schisandra- Referred to as “Chinese Prozac” this herb is commonly unappreciated and underutilized in American herbal practice. Schisandra is a terrific day time adaptogen herb and should be taken as is recommended with Ashwaganda, two capsules with breakfast and lunch, or a cup of tea in the morning and afternoon. The berries can be made in to a nice aperitif for those with a low libido.
#4 California Poppy- The bright orange flowers of the California poppy, leaves and other aerial parts are sedative, anti-spasmodic, and mild pain relievers. This is also a gentle herb used for colic and agitation in children. Do not use this herb or any other sedative herbs in pregnancy.
#5 Hops- No I am not recommending that you drink more beer to calm down. However, the herb commonly used to make beer bitter also works as a sedative. It is extremely bitter though so is best given a small part in your herbal tea formula for insomnia or stress. Do not combine with prescription sleep aids due to an additive effect.
#6 Kava Kava- A well known Polynesian psychotropic sedative, this herb is sedative and “spasmolytic” and thus helpful for chronic pain conditions. Several conflicting studies debate the safety of using this herb with alcohol. Liver damage is thought to occur if used in large doses in conjunction with alcohol. This research however was used to scare many people away from using kava kava for whatever reason.
People need to simply remember that herbs are medicines and that an herb with actions similar to prescription sleep aids and analgesics will of course pack the same side effects. A strong herb demands respect. When used ceremoniously, or occasionally this herb does not run the risks it runs when it is heavily abused.
The best way to safely use kava kava is in an organic tea form. Look for a tea blend that includes kava, or make your own. This herb should not be used in large doses, and large doses should not be used over long term. Do not combine with alcohol, or use during pregnancy or nursing. Chronic abuse will result in a horrible scaly skin rash.Photobucket
#7 Lavender- Try adding lavender to your favorite baked good recipe. Purple lavender flowers will offer a sophisticated herbal makeover to your favorite shortbread cookies, or white tea cakes.
Lavender is great in your herbal medicine blend, and can also be used to stuff pillows, or as an aromatherapy stress reliever throughout the day. Lavender should not be used in pregnancy due to it’s emmenagogue effect.
#8 Lemon Balm- Also known as “Melissa officinalis” this herbal sedative should not be used by those with hypothyroidism as it inhibits the thyroid and is used to treat hyperthyroidism, however for everyone else it is a common simple herb to grow in your garden and make in to your own calming sedative tincture each summer. Do not use this herb in pregnancy.
I grow lemon balm in my garden and harvest it, rinse it, let it dry and then pack it in a jar with enough room for it to swim around in some vodka. Shake the jar once a day for two weeks. The vodka will extract the constituents and after a few weeks you can strain out the plant part leftovers and put a half a teaspoon of this liquid “anxiety medicine” in a little bit of water when you need something to calm you down.Photobucket
#9 St. John’s Wort- Although we think “depression” the second we hear about St. J’s Wort, we also need to address that depression and anxiety tend to walk hand in hand and this herb is not just an anti-depressant it is a mild sedative as well. St. John’s Wort has also been shown to have a lower risk of side effects than conventional anti-depressants and is worth trying for those that don’t quite have severe enough depression to mandate the use of a prescription pharmaceutical, but instead need something to take the edge off and boost the mood a bit.
If you are suffering from anxiety that has a form of depression associated with it, then this would be a great herb to consider in your herbal sedative blend pending that you are not on any anti-depressants or anti-psychotic medications. The condition “serotonin syndrome” may occur from combing this herb with those classes of medications or other herbs and supplements that boost neurotransmitter levels.
This herb should not be used by those on oral contraceptives, or any medications as it increases the cytochrome p450 enzyme system which results in a more rapid detoxification of drugs from the system. The drugs or birth control pills are then rendered useless. Standard dose of St. John’s Wort for those not on any other medications, is 300 mg three times daily of the 0.3% standardized extract.Photobucket
#10 Red Clover- Not traditionally recognized as a sedative, but as a mineral source and blood thinner, this “cooling” herb calms the system and has a special affinity to the lungs, throat, and salivary glands.
This is a terrific balancing herb to include in your herbal sedative blend as the dried flower blossoms make for a beautiful addition to a glass teapot. Do not use in pregnancy, or if on blood thinning medications.
#11 Catnip- Not just for cats. Catnip is actually a gentle nervine herb for humans. No it won’t make you roll around on the carpet or chase after things (at least not to my current knowledge) but it is still a great mild sedative.
This herb should absolutely NOT be used during pregnancy, as most herbs should never be used during pregnancy without checking with your naturopathic midwife, however it can safely be used in children by making a very weak tea. Be sure to only give your children organic herbs and check with their pediatrician or naturopath prior to use.
#12 Valerian- Definitely one of the more potent herbal sedatives, valerian is also a great pain killer for those with chronic pain. Some people prefer not to use this herb because it can cause quite the herbal hangover the next morning and most complain that it makes them feel really groggy, or desire to sleep through the day.
Look for a tea formula that includes a bit of valerian to avoid the hangover, and if you have severe anxiety, chronic pain, or insomnia talk to your naturopathic doctor about using this at a more therapeutic dose. Always use organic root.
#13 Motherwort- The perfect herb for fried and frazzled mothers; it strengthens a weak heart and is great for nervous palpitations. Motherwort is best taken over a prolonged period of time, and because it is a uterine stimulant, it should not be used in pregnancy.
#14 Skullcap- A bitter, cooling sedative herb that is best used for nervous fear, restless sleep, and is also thought to lower blood pressure. This herb is great for people with the inability to pay attention—huh what was that? And has been used effectively to calm down children with ADHD. Some kids concentrate better when they are sped up, and some do better when they are calmed down.
#15 Chamomile- One of the most common kitchen herbs, chamomile is a great mild sedative and digestive bitter.
Be careful in using chamomile tea if you experience ragweed allergies, formally known as the “asteracea family” and previously recognized as “composite family.” If you have a history of seasonal allergies you should exercise caution.
If not, make your tea up strong, use a heaping tablespoon and not a teaspoon per 8 oz cup of water, and allow to steep 15 minutes covered. If you don’t cover your chamomile tea you will lose the calming essential oils to evaporation. Only elitist herbalists know to do that. Welcome to the club!
Traditional Herbal Sedative Use:Establishing a nighttime or daytime tea ritual is a great way to reduce stress, avoid binge eating, and help those that fight insomnia get to sleep at a decent hour.
Don’t forget to have your pot of tea with one of my favorite “Bedtime Snacks for Insomniacs.”Also if you tend to be one of those that gets troubled by having to use the restroom in the middle of the night, be sure to drink your tea at least 90 minutes prior to your expected bed time.
Directions: For most of these herbs simply make a tea with about 1 tsp (milder herbs use a tablespoon) to 8 oz cup of boiling water. Allow to steep covered 15 minutes. Or if you aren’t a tea drinker just look for a pre-made organic herbal formula to take in tincture or capsule form, and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Common Sense Cautions: Please check with your naturopathic physician before combining any herbal medicines with prescription medications or making any changes to your health care routine. Women that are pregnant or breastfeeding should never use any herbs unless prescribed by their naturopathic midwife.
You can find bulk organic herbs at Whole Foods, through your local tea shop or buy them online through Mountain Rose Herbs.
What is your favorite herbal sedative?
~Dr. Nicole
Reference: “Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth” by Dr. Sharol Tilgner

Simple but DELISH!!

This is a simple recipe that I recreated-tonight. I followed the recipe in some areas (I rinsed the beans) but mostly I added a little bit of this and that to create something tasty that I would enjoy. The funny part is that my family loved it (even though they had smoked chicken to go with it). They informed me that even without the chicken they truly enjoyed this meal. Even my MEAT-A-TARIN husband!! Oh, to top it off we had french music playing in the background (while eating a Spanish!!

Black Beans with Brown Jasmine Rice

1 can of black beans (drained and rinsed)
1 small onion
1-2 Sweet Peppers (red, yellow, orange or green)
3tbsp. cider vinegar
1 tbsp. Oregano
3  tbsp. Garlic (minced)
1 packet Sazon Goya w/o Annatto
1 can of diced tomatoes (I used fresh and chopped them up)
1-2 tbsp. Avocado oil
3/4 c. water
1/4 c. jalapeno peppers
**You can add cumin and thyme...create your own "twist"**

  • Cook the Jasmine Rice according to instructions substituting EVOO for Avocado Oil
  • Saute onions, peppers and garlic in Avocado oil. Once sauteed(about 5 min) add the beans and everything else. Allow beans to cook for about 20 minutes or so. **Be creative with the spices...add whatever you like to give it a little more flair (I did!). **
  • On the table have green onions (sliced), mandarin oranges, cilantro, salsa and limes.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

This is a great website to visit and get great ideas..

Sweet Sunshine is uplifting, stress reducing, immune boosting, great for lung health, and high in antioxidants. Brighten your day with this sweet treat!

Pineapple, Cantaloupe, Orange, Mango.

Sweet Sunshine is a sweet tooth cure for sure! It’s also great for smokers since smoking depletes Vitamin C.
Cantaloupe is great for lung health and support with its antioxidants and other wonderful nutrients. So be sure to include cantaloupe in your diet more often if you smoke.


  • 1/4 of a Cantaloupe
  • 1/4 of a Pineapple
  • 2 Oranges
  • 2 Mangoes


  1. Peel the oranges and mangoes.
  2. Cut the mango and remove the large pit in the middle.
  3. Cut rind off the cantaloupe and scoop out the seeds.
  4. Cut sides, top, and bottom off the pineapple.
  5. Juice oranges, mangoes, 1/4 pineapple, 1/4 cantaloupe.
  6. Enjoy!
*If you use orange juice you can just blend the rest of the ingredients as a whole food smoothie.